MIT KfW issues, prioritized.

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Fri Aug 3 15:29:59 EDT 2007

Kevin Koch wrote:
> This is a follow-on to my comment about MIT's needs and timetable.
> The issues in the various bug reports have been ranked by priority.  The
> priority list is available at
Are all of these issues (correctly or incorrectly described) show
stoppers for MIT? 
Or are there some that must be addressed and others which would be nice
to address?

As a suggestion, you should include links to the RT tickets on that page
if that is the public page you wish the overall kfw user community to
use as a source for commenting on the issues.

Also note that there is no distinction between MIT and "public" versions
of KFW.  There is only one set of binaries.   The ones that Secure
Endpoints distribute are digitally signed and will provide a better end
user experience on Vista.  However, there are no code differences.

What is an important distinction is between KFW 3.2 and the post-3.2
changes that have been committed to the trunk to fix known bugs.   Since
you have already committed to producing a 3.2.1 release for MIT use,
what is important to know is if the problems you are experiencing are
present in the code that has already been submitted.

The two tickets that should be marked for pullup when you are ready are
5584 and 5623.   In particular, revisions 19625, and 19627 prevent known
crashes and revision 19629 includes the changes to permit you to force
the NIM dialog to be "topmost".

Jeffrey Altman

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