kadmind fails to start

Ken Hornstein kenh at cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Wed May 19 16:48:46 EDT 2021

>    May 19 18:12:00 MyKdc-01 kadmind[3412](info): No dictionary file specified, continuing without one.

So you can safely ignore this one.

>    May 19 18:12:00 MyKdc-01 kadmind[3412](info): setting up network...
>    May 19 18:12:00 MyKdc-01 kadmind[3412](info): setsockopt(9,IPV6_V6ONLY,1) worked
>    May 19 18:12:00 MyKdc-01 kadmind[3412](info): setsockopt(11,IPV6_V6ONLY,1) worked
>    May 19 18:12:00 MyKdc-01 kadmind[3412](Error): Address already in use - Cannot bind server socket on

This is the key error.

Is it possible you already have another instance of kadmind running?

If you run

	netstat -a -n -A inet -p | grep 749

It should show you what process is currently using port 749 (I think you'll
need to do that as root).


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