FW: kinit failing when AD user joining using smaercard PIN on ubuntu 20.04

Ken Hornstein kenh at cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Wed Mar 3 08:05:02 EST 2021

>PFA the latest logs.
>I'm able to enter the PIN then this log is generated. Please let us
>know what is the next step?
>kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials

Huh, JUST when you think you've seen every Kerberos error, you get a new

So, I am kinda surprised your KDC certificate doesn't contain even an
id-kp-serverAuth EKU.  I wonder who created the server certificate?  Was
this just a test realm that was deployed internally?

So, I am wondering ... is your realm name blrdhcdev.com or BLRDHCDEV.COM?
(Case matters).  Because in the kinit command you use the lower-case form
but some of the log messages that implies that it's the upper-case form.
I suspect you're getting tripped up by the code in
get_in_tkt.c:verify_as_reply() that compares various fields in the request
against the reply, so if your request is using the lower-case realm but
the reply is with an upper-case realm, that could cause this error.  If
you put a bunch of config file entries in your krb5.conf based on
the lower-case realm, those should all be in upper case.

(In general, Kerberos realms are upper-case.  The only person I know who
deployed a lower-case realm said that if he had to do it all over again,
he wouldn't because too much code assumes an upper-case realm).


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