Load Balancing KCDs

Jonathan Towles jjtowles at synterex.com
Thu Feb 18 16:53:19 EST 2021

Yeah I saw this also.

>From what I've read holistically, Putting your DCs behind a VIP tends to be problematic because the member server name doesn't match the name of the SPN thus it becomes vehemently unhappy.

I suppose you could possibly build an ASA similar to how you do Kerberos with Exchange and try to leverage that but I've read/heard there's a ton of reliability issues and you should just rely on the krb5.conf like:

         ATHENA.MIT.EDU = {
             kdc = kerberos.mit.edu
             kdc = kerberos-1.mit.edu
             kdc = kerberos-2.mit.edu:750
             admin_server = kerberos.mit.edu
             master_kdc = kerberos.mit.edu
             default_domain = mit.edu

Jon Towles
CTO, Synterex
(m) 978-609-5545


-----Original Message-----
From: Robbie Harwood <rharwood at redhat.com> 
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 4:48 PM
To: Jonathan Towles <jjtowles at synterex.com>; kerberos at mit.edu
Subject: Re: Load Balancing KCDs

Jonathan Towles <jjtowles at synterex.com> writes:

> Does anyone have experience putting DCs behind a network load balancer 
> for Kerberos Authentication?
> Depending on who you ask, it doesn't really work. I wanted to ask the 
> group to see if anyone has strong experience in doing it and if it's 
> feasible?

I usually refer to Simo's post on this:


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