Is there a "batchable" way to do ktutil list

Predrag Zecevic predrag.zecevic at
Wed Apr 21 04:18:57 EDT 2021

On 21.04.2021 09:56, Dan Mahoney (Gushi) wrote:
> All,
> Dayjob has a puppet fact that, under freeBSD, uses "ktutil list" to get
> the kvno of a given host.  This works great because the heimdal kerberos
> that's built into freeBSD is what we like to parse.  It takes a -k
> argument to specify a keytab file.
> Linux is another story.  Under ubuntu, the mit version of ktutil gets
> installed, and I can't figure out how to script it easily.  There are no
> documented ways to pass an arg, or even to print the version.  (We can
> glean it by looking at installed packages).
> Is there another command that is more script-friendly?  If not, can
> someone share a good way to pass args to the MIT ktutil?
> -Dan
Hi Dan,

try to use *expect* tool, that is what I use...

1: run once ktutil (under expect, which will save terminal actions)
2: call it in batch, like this (this is example of creating keytab, you 
have to adopt script -- do no use it blindly):
   cat << EOEXPECT > /tmp/create-${TABLE}.keytab.exp
set force_conservative 0  ;# set to 1 to force conservative mode even if 
script wasn't run conservatively originally
if {\$force_conservative} {
   set send_slow {1 .1}
   proc send {ignore arg} {
   sleep .1
   exp_send -s -- \$arg

set timeout -1
spawn \$env(SHELL)
match_max 100000
expect " "
send -- "ktutil"
expect -exact "ktutil"
send -- "\r"
expect -exact "ktutil: "
send -- "addent -password -p ${1} -k 1 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96"
expect -exact "addent -password -p ${1} -k 1 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96"
send -- "\r"
expect eof

# Create keytab
expect -f /tmp/create-${TABLE}.keytab.exp


Best regards.
Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

tel: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 15
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e-mail: predrag.zecevic at

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