Query about kerberos (in windows)

IGNACIO CHAFFIN martin.chaffin at bbva.com
Tue Jan 28 07:49:28 EST 2020

Hi, I'm an administrator of an Active Directory environment. And I need to
get the kerberos version of a Microsoft Windows Server operating system by
command lines

I need to migrate from Windows 2016 to Windows 2019 and I want to see the
differences between them. (if there are any)

Thank you very much in advance.
[image: BBVA | Creando Oportunidades]
*Ignacio **Martín** Chaffin*
*Microinformática** - System Programmer Sr*
Tel. +54 11 4340 0000 Interno 11336 –  martin.chaffin at bbva.com
Torre BBVA – Av. Córdoba 111, Piso 19°, CP 1054 Ciudad Autónoma de Bs. As
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