Failed to verify CMS message: bad signature

jarek jarek at
Wed Feb 26 09:26:26 EST 2020


	I've tried to migrate KDC (Debian 7) to new hardware with
Debian 9.
	We are using KDC with pkinit and smartcards.
	After fresh installation, I have copied /etc/krb5.conf,
/etc/krb5.keytab, /etc/krb5kdc and /var/lib/krb5kdc.
	All certificates are in /etc/krb5kdc.
	The new machine has the same name as old, only IP is different.
	kadmin lists all pricinpals, kdc and admin server are working.
	kinit from remote machine fails, on KDC in authlog we have

PREAUTH_FAILED: Failed to verify CMS message: bad signature

What can be wrong ?

Best regards

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