AW: Kerberos Linux to AD problem

Matthias Brenner matthias.brenner at
Tue May 7 05:13:02 EDT 2019

Hi Rob,

thanks for your answer.

> First, make sure you disabled mdns3 or moved it down the list in your nsswitch, so that the .local domain will work properly.
> This is just good hygiene.

Was already disabled. Thanks for that hint.

> Second, just log in with your AD credentials with sssd and type klist. It should show the right credentials. Kinit should not be necessary.

Tested and ok.

> Third, try smbclient -k //ka-dc01.example.local/c\$

Tested and ok, too.

> If that works, then Kerberos is set up right. I'm not sure PS Core supports Kerberos proudly from Linux yet (they didn't 3 months ago),
> check github.

I agree. Maybe it's simply that PS Core doesn't support Kerberos at the moment.

Thank you very much for your help!



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