Rolling the master key online

John Devitofranceschi jdvf at
Fri Sep 28 07:24:23 EDT 2018

Are there any timing considerations when purging the old master key(s)?

I experienced some problems after following the documented procedure (kadmind/kpropd not working, tickets not being issued) which I think might have  been due running the ‘purge_mkeys' before the updated principals were propagated to the slaves after running the ‘update_princ_encryption’.

I had to restart kadmind, krb5kdc, and kpropd to get things working again.

Also, after running ‘kdb5_util stash’ on the slave, the old key is preserved in the stash file, but on the master ‘kdb5_util  add_mkey -s’ clobbers the old key. 

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