Get Kerberized services information from Kerberos KDC

chen dong chendong.jy at
Thu Oct 6 18:25:27 EDT 2016

Hi ,

Can I query Kerberos KDC database to know how many services have been
Kerberized in KDC? How many service tickets have been given to clients? How
many sessions are been built for clients?

I am using Kerberos on Hadoop Security. It makes much easier to do it using
a management system - Cloudera. After a few clicks which follow the
instructions, it is done. But is it done? I am not sure and I need to prove
it. I think the only way to make me confident about it has been done is
Kerberos tells me. If I get this information from Kerberos, I will be happy
to tell my boss. My job has finished.

Anyone knows about this, much appreciate for this.



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