Cross-realm with AD trusting Kerberos

Leonard J. Peirce leonard.peirce+kerberos at
Wed Nov 11 17:36:49 EST 2015

In an attempt to stop syncing passwords between Kerberos and AD and get to
a single password store we are currently testing cross-realm with Active
Directory trusting Kerberos.  We have the trust configured and our Windows
admin here says that he can successfully authenticate against our KDC
from an AD-enabled Windows host but is required to specify the @realm
in order to authenticate since our AD domain is different from our
Kerberos realm.

Our Windows admin feels this is unworkable.  I'm not really a Windows/AD
expert but looking at the Windows ksetup command the /addhosttorealmmap
and /addrealmflags options look promising.

Has anyone had success with cross-realm and AD trusting Kerberos this


Leonard J. Peirce
Western Michigan University
Office of Information Technology
Kalamazoo, MI  49008

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