kerberos testing server/realm

Jason Edgecombe jason at
Tue Sep 2 19:48:27 EDT 2014

On 09/02/2014 12:53 PM, Greg Hudson wrote:
> On 09/02/2014 04:20 AM, bodik wrote:
>> But I was thinking, if there would be something like "static_kdc.c" ? some very
>> small implementation without all fancy features like PA, crossrealming, heavy
>> encryption, something which would just send out session keys to everybody having
>> some static secrets for anyone ... ?
>> Is there anything like that or even could be this possible ?
>> Or am I completely our of line ?
> It's possible in theory, but I don't think it would decrease the
> administrative burden of deploying it by much, so it wouldn't warrant
> the development burden of maintaining an additional KDC implementation.
I understand that having a simpler dev/test environment is desirable, 
but a test environment is most valuable when it matches the production 

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