A quick question on using kinit

Prakash Narayanaswamy prakash at nutanix.com
Mon Nov 24 19:05:55 EST 2014


We've a keytab file (test.keytab) with keytab entries of the form shown
below pointing to a Windows host joined to a AD domain (DOMAINNAME.COM)

KVNO Timestamp         Principal
---- -----------------
   1 11/21/14 14:25:56 host/hostname.domainname.com at DOMAINNAME.COM
   1 11/21/14 14:25:56 host/hostname.domainname.com at DOMAINNAME.COM
   1 11/21/14 14:25:56 host/hostname.domainname.com at DOMAINNAME.COM

When we try using kinit, we see the following error:

kinit -k -t test.keytab host/hostname.domainname.com at DOMAINNAME.COM
*kinit: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial

>From what we observed, it seems that Windows is expecting a
UserPrincipalName. Is it somehow possible to specify a different principal
name when using kinit but still make it use the credential information
stored in the keytab file?

Prakash N | 408 771 4273

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