Authenticate against keytab file on Windows 7

Evan McPeters emcpeters at
Tue Mar 18 16:59:52 EDT 2014

Hi, I am trying to use gss_accept_sec_context to authenticate a Kerberos
ticket against a keytab file (created using ktutil) on Windows 7. Both the
keytab file and ticket are being provided to me by another development team
(they created the keytab .


I base64 decode the ticket and pass it to gss_accept_sec_context but cannot
get any status code back beside GSS_S_FAILURE (with a minor status code of


I have set my default keytab path like so:


At this point I'm stumped. I assume that there is no restriction to doing
this on Windows 7 that I should know about?


My current implementation is below (I have tried many different variations).
Thanks so much for any help you can provide!





                char * token =

       int token_len = strlen(token);


                input_token = (gss_buffer_t)

       input_token->length = token_len;

       input_token->value = token;


       gss_name_t client = NULL;

       gss_OID doid = (gss_OID)gss_mech_krb5;

       OM_uint32 ret_flags = 0

       OM_uint32 time_rec = 0;

       gss_cred_id_t delegated_cred_handle;

       OM_uint32 maj_stat;

       OM_uint32 min_stat;

       gss_ctx_id_t context = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT;

       gss_cred_id_t server_creds = GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL;

       gss_buffer_desc output_token;


       maj_stat = gss_accept_sec_context(&min_stat, 













NOTE: If I pass a string of random characters as the input token I can
manage to get a status of GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN.




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