Error while adding Users in Kerberos

Sruthi Duvvuri Sruthi.Duvvuri at
Tue Jul 1 03:01:00 EDT 2014


I have installed Kerberos 5. But i am facing error while adding users to Kerberos like this:

[cid:image002.png at 01CF9528.50BE4130]

Following is the error which i am facing:

        [cid:image004.png at 01CF9528.50BE4130]

Here is how my kadm5.acl looks like:

        [cid:image006.png at 01CF9528.50BE4130]

I have assigned all privileges to root/admin at hsecurityrealm...But why still i am facing the error?? Please help me out...

Sruthi Duvvuri

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