ACL for Constrained Delegation?

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 19 21:47:59 EST 2014

On Wed, 19 Feb 2014, Rick van Rein wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m trying to understand how to configure Constrained Delegation in the KDC.  I think I got the GSSAPI client side part, notably S4U2Proxy, but I can only seem to find proxy / proxiable flags in the KDC setup.  And these don’t have undisputably clear semantics, from what I’ve read.
> Let’s say I want to setup with permissions to access LDAP, IMAP and SMTP; however, can only access SMTP and can only access LDAP; schematically:
> HTTP/  —>  ldap/
> HTTP/  —>  imap/
> HTTP/  —>  smtp/
> HTTP/  —>  smtp/
> HTTP/  —>  ldap/
> How would I setup these delegations, and only these delegations, with MIT Kerberos5? notes that 
there is a krbAllowedToDelegateTo attribute that can be set in LDAP 
(manually) to limit delegation.

I don't think I have an actual example handy.

-Ben Kaduk

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