Multiple principals from different realms via kinit?

Greg Hudson ghudson at
Thu Aug 28 11:52:52 EDT 2014

On 08/28/2014 06:05 AM, ольга крыжановская wrote:
> How do I enable collections?

Set KRB5CCNAME to use a collection-enabled cache type, typically DIR.
For example:

  mkdir /tmp/mydir
  export KRB5CCNAME
  kinit princ1
  klist        # shows princ1 tickets in DIR::/tmp/mydir/tktXXXXX
  kinit princ2
  klist        # shows princ2 tickets in DIR::/tmp/mydir/tktYYYYY
  klist -l     # shows a list with both ccaches
  klist -A     # shows tickets in both ccaches
  kswitch -p princ1
  klist        # shows princ1 tickets

If klist shows a FILE ccache, then collection behavior are not enabled,
and only the most recently-acquired tickets can be used.

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