Mulltiple domains in one KDC process?

Rick van Rein (OpenFortress) rick at
Thu Oct 17 10:57:48 EDT 2013


>> Still, this isn't dynamically configurable… is it the only way to do it?
> It's the only supported way to do it.

Perhaps that's a feature request then, at least for the LDAP-backed versions:

 - next -r to point to individual krbRealmContainer, have -R to point to a krbContainer containing a dynamic set
 - as part of [realms] specifying (with $REALM in various places) a generic pattern for realms, and resolving this dynamically
 - load domain, KDC, adminserver etc. from LDAP

Since you don't sound as if this would be tasteless conduct -- does it sound to you like a k5wiki-style "Project", or is it a "Welcome Patch"?

> The unsupported way [black magic]

…sounds a no-go area for long-term stability, but thanks.

>> And will kadmin / kpasswd work?
> We do not currently have multi-realm support for kadmind (and by
> extension, password-changes).  Each realm needs its own kadmind running
> on a different port.

A bit awkward, but less problematic, since that is internal stuff -- where IP's are not in such tight supply.  Yes, IPv6, I know :-)


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