incremental propagation gets stuck with UPDATE_FULL_RESYNC_NEEDED

Dave Steiner steiner at
Wed May 1 23:46:30 EDT 2013

I think I've found the problem after looking at the truss output further.

> 3129:   connect(8, 0x00026A60, 16, SOV_DEFAULT)         Err#146 
> 3129:   close(8)                                        = 0
> 3129:   fstat64(2, 0xFFBFF718)                          = 0
> 3129:   write(2, " k p r o p", 5)                       = 5
> 3129:   write(2, " :  ", 2)                             = 2
> 3129:   write(2, 0x0002A420, 18)                        = 18
> 3129:      C o n n e c t i o n   r e f u s e d
> 3129:   write(2, "  ", 1)                               = 1
> 3129:   write(2, 0x00014B6C, 26)                        = 26
> 3129:      w h i l e   c o n n e c t i n g   t o   s e r v e r
> 3129:   write(2, "\r", 1)                               = 1
> 3129:   write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
> 3129:   _exit(1)

Now I just need to find out why the connection is refused.  I was able 
to run the normal kprop command before I started iprop.


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