Kerberos+NFS4 moritz.willers at
Wed Jul 31 05:01:20 EDT 2013

I assume this is a Linux client? Yes, the security context established by rpc.gssd is cached. - mo

-----Original Message-----
From: kerberos-bounces at [mailto:kerberos-bounces at] On Behalf Of Andreas Hauffe
Sent: 31 July 2013 10:47
To: kerberos at
Subject: Re: Kerberos+NFS4

Ok, this is a behaviour I can understand. If the user was logged in and is now 
completely logged out (even with kdestroy) there is no /tmp/krb5cc_<uid>*. But 
the local root can still access the data with a 'su $USERNAME'. Is there some 
kind of cache?


Am Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013, 09:19:44 schrieb moritz.willers at
> As long as there is a valid /tmp/krb5cc_<uid>* credential cache on the host,
> the user can access the files over Secure NFS. No matter if you logged in
> as the user or changed to the using 'su $USERNAME'.
> - mo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kerberos-bounces at [mailto:kerberos-bounces at] On Behalf
> Of Andreas Hauffe Sent: 31 July 2013 10:01
> To: kerberos at
> Subject: Kerberos+NFS4
> Hi,
> I don't know if this is the right place to ask my question, so sorry if now.
> I have installed an Kerberos+LDAP system. The NFS export is done with NFS4.
> At first everthing is fine and a local root of a client is not able to read
> the user data inside the export even after a "su $USERNAME". After this
> user has logged in, the local root is able to read all of the users data
> after a "su $USERNAME" without any password. Even after the logout of the
> user the local root can still access the data. As far as I understood the
> process, there should be no Kerberos ticket available on the client, which
> is applied by the local root. Is this a normal behaviour or a configuration
> problem?
Viele Grüße
Andreas Hauffe
Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe "Auslegungsmethoden für Luftfahrzeuge"

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik / Institute of Aerospace Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Luftfahrzeugtechnik / Chair of Aircraft Engineering

D-01062 Dresden

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