Stuck initializing mysql for wallet

Russ Allbery rra at
Thu Jul 25 13:47:14 EDT 2013

Tom_Krauss <thomas.krauss at> writes:

> I would like to play around a bit with wallet. Unfortunately it does not
> let me.

> #  wallet-admin initialize wallet at MY.REALM
> DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned::_on_connect(): Your DB is currently
> unversioned. Please call upgrade on your schema to sync the DB. at
> lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Wallet/ line 51
> DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::deployment_statements(): Can't deploy without a
> ddl_dir or SQL::Translator >= 0.11016 (see
> DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details) at
> lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Wallet/ line 92

> #  wallet-admin upgrade
> prints the same errors.

> I have:
> wallet 1.0
> SQL-Translator 0.11016
> DBIx-Class 0.08250
> DBD-mysql 4.023
> DBI 1.627
> Mysql 5.1

> # cat /etc/wallet/wallet.conf
> $DB_DRIVER = 'mysql';
> $DB_NAME = 'wallet';
> $DB_HOST = 'localhost';
> $DB_USER = 'wallet';
> $DB_PASSWORD = 'secret';
> 1;

Hm.  I'm not sure.  You could try explicitly setting $DB_DDL_DIRECTORY and
see if that helps any, but you're right, the default should be fine.  The
error message is on the line:

    $self->{schema}->deploy ({}, $Wallet::Config::DB_DDL_DIRECTORY);

It would be nice if DBIx::Class would spit out more errors.  I think
there's some way to make it more verbose, but I don't recall off-hand what
it is.

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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