Authenticating kerberos ticket against keytab file using ASP web api on IIS 7

Evan McPeters emcpeters at
Fri Dec 13 14:37:45 EST 2013

I need to authenticate a kerberos ticket (attached to the header of a web
service request) against a valid keytab file using the latest ASP Web API on
Microsoft IIS 7.


I used the Microsoft ASP Web API to write a web service. Users will have a
kerberos ticket in their header when they make the HTTP request to the
service. I will have a keytab file on my IIS server. I figure I need to send
the keytab file and the ticket to GSSAPI library to authenticate.


Normally, IIS automatically authenticates Kerberos (when all the machines
are "connected") so there isn't any documentation I can find to guide me to
just use a keytab file.


I know how to do this on Tomcat using Java's built in GSSAPI library. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated!





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