openssh/mit kerberos and numeric host address

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 3 21:16:22 EDT 2013

On Wed, 3 Apr 2013, Íõ½£ wrote:

> I have tried Greg Hudson's glibc patch and built glibc package, per
> but no success. I have reverted back to debian official glibc package.
> I test the upstream patch your package refers to, and no success either :(

To be clear, you have only tried patching glibc, or you have also tried 
patching krb5?

> I installed KfW 4.0.1 then switch back to 3.2.2. The UI of KfW 4.0.1 is _strange_.

That's not really an actionable comment, unfortunately.  MS seems to be 
pushing the ribbon interface framework pretty hard, and I guess we just 
have to adapt to it.


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