Cross realm authentication failing for older versions of Ubuntu

Jeremy Page at
Thu Sep 6 13:16:50 EDT 2012

I have a config that is working on Ubuntu 10.04 and above but failing on
8.04. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

The problem is that I cannot SSH into the 8.04 machines unless I am
using an account in the same realm as the DNS suffix of the system. I am
using Windows Active Directory as both my LDAP and Kerberos server. LDAP
is using RFC2307 attributes & doing it's queries against the Global
Catalog ports so it can resolve users in all the AD domains. krb5.conf
is using the defaults - we have SRV records (the ones created by AD)
which appear to be adequate. I have no keytab defined.

So for I can login (with just the UID) if I am
user1 at ENG.COMPANY.COM but user2 at COMPANY.COM or user3 at SALES.COMPANY.COM.

kinit works fine. getent/id works fine. On newer Ubuntu versions it
works as well.

For this user I cannot login interactively or SSH (host is in
root at gsovm-psbs03:~# getent passwd testdude
testdude:*:60222:5002113:testdude testdude:/home/testdude:/bin/bash
root at gsovm-psbs03:~# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: testdude at COMPANY.COM

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
09/06/12 12:58:28  09/06/12 22:58:30  krbtgt/COMPANY.COM at COMPANY.COM
    renew until 09/07/12 12:58:28

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
klist: You have no tickets cached

But for this user it works (user and machine in same DNS/Kerberos realm):
13:13:43:eng-test-admin at gsovm-psbs03>klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_50076
Default principal: eng-test-admin at GSO.COMPANY.COM

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
09/06/12 13:13:42  09/06/12 23:13:42  krbtgt/GSO.COMPANY.COM at GSO.COMPANY.COM
    renew until 09/07/12 13:13:42

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt50076
klist: You have no tickets cached

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