Making krb5 for Windows

Clifford Mc Cullough cmccullo at
Sun Aug 5 16:08:11 EDT 2012

I followed the instructions for building MIT Kerberos krb5 for Windows located at krb5-1.10.2/src/windows/README.  I followed the Traditional Build Method, built the zip file and transferred it to my PC.  My PC is Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010 Professional.

When I got to instruction 4, I used nmake KRB5_DNS_LOOKUP.  I received the error
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'KRB5_DNS_LOOKUP'

Next I tried nmake -f Makefile KRB5_DNS_LOOKUP and received the same error.

Next I tried nmake -f Makefile.  The make ran as far as
NMAKE: fatal error U1073:  don't know how to make 'clients\kswitch\'
This is little surprise since there is no kswitch folder in the c:\krb5\clients folder.

I removed line 436 from krb5\Makefile and reran nmake -f Makefile.  The next error was
NMAKE: fatal error U1073:  don't know how to make 'util\profile\testmod\'
There are no folders in the util\profile folder.

I modified line 459 of krb5\Makefile to remove util\profile\testmod\Makefile and reran.
'util\wshelper\' could not be made.  There is no wshelper folder in krbt\util.

Am I doing something wrong?  I'm not terribly familiar with nmake, but it looks to me like your instructions and Makefile need to be vetted better.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
Cliff McCullough

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