kadmin incremental propagation full resync multiple processes spawned

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 3 23:26:03 EDT 2011

On 11/03/2011 05:27 PM, Paul B. Henson wrote:
> So kdb5_util is failing sometimes <sigh>. Are any of these bugs 
> perchance on the shortlist for getting resolved :)? Presumably if the 
> kdb5_util failure details were logged it might be blindingly obvious 
> what's going on, or at least a step closer to resolution.

Producing a good log message will take a bit of actual work, but fixing
the error handling is a trivial patch, which I've attached (not tested,
but it's very simple).

> could it be that kdb5_util is failing to lock the database because 
> kadmind is monopolizing it resulting in the dump failing?

That's a good theory.  I don't know if you've been involved in previous
discussions about our DB2 locking, but since POSIX doesn't provide a way
to acquire a file lock with a timeout, we just try once a second for
five seconds, which doesn't provide any kind of fairness guarantee,
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