Instant Messaging client-server solution?

Jaap Winius jwinius at
Fri May 20 09:11:24 EDT 2011

Quoting Dax Kelson <dkelson at>:

> We used Pidgin and OpenFire in our office. Works well. Was pretty
> straightforward to configure.

Really? It doesn't look so easy to me. The docs for both Openfire and  
Pidgin make no mention of GSSAPI or Kerberos. Most of the discussions  
on this subject seem to be a couple of years old or have to do with  
Windows environments.

Then there's the Stanford IT Lab Blog article on Openfire. It's over  
two years old, but seems to work with Openfire 3.7.0 on my system.  
However, I wasn't able to get Pidgin to communicate with it. Also,  
when I break the configuration, e.g. by renaming gss.conf and  
restarting the daemon, Openfire gives no errors and behaves the same  
as before. So, for all I know it's ignoring the additional SASL/GSSAPI  



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