Kerberos password expiration

Claudio Prono claudio.prono at
Tue Mar 22 10:33:38 EDT 2011

Hello All,

I am searching the right way to implement a password expiration in base
of users. My goal is to set the password expiration of the users into 90
Days, but is not that clear how it works.

I have the users already working, but now how i can set a password
expiration policy?

Any hint (i have googled a little, but i don't find anything
interesting) is well accepted.


Claudio Prono.

Claudio Prono                         OPST
System Developer               
                                      Gsm: +39-349-54.33.258
@PSS Srl                              Tel: +39-011-32.72.100
Via San Bernardino, 17                Fax: +39-011-32.46.497
10141 Torino - ITALY        
PGP Key -

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