duplicate logging in file

Dave Steiner steiner at oit.rutgers.edu
Thu Jun 30 11:45:09 EDT 2011

On 6/29/2011 6:27 PM, Tom Yu wrote:
> Dave Steiner<steiner.dave at gmail.com>  writes:
>> I have the following in my krb5.conf:
>> [logging]
>> #        kdc = SYSLOG:INFO:LOCAL2
>> #        admin_server = SYSLOG:INFO:LOCAL2
>>           admin_server = FILE:/export/home/kerberos/var/
>> admin_server.log
>>           kdc = FILE:/export/home/kerberos/var/krb5kdc.log
>>           kdc_rotate = {
>>             period = 1d
>>             versions = 20
>>           }
>> and I'm getting two of every message in the krb5kdc.log.  Am I missing
>> something here?  It was doing this on v1.6.3 and on v1.9.1.
> It's likely that the setting is getting read twice somehow.  Where did
> you put your krb5.conf?  And what options did you use when building?
> Might there be another krb5.conf or kdc.conf somewhere with that
> logging setting?

Ah, the fun of inheriting a setup.... All of our Kerberos files are in 
/usr/local/kerberos.  We also have the following links setup:

    # ls -l /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5/krb5.conf
     lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          16 Aug  2  2006 /etc/krb5.conf -> 
     lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          33 Mar 22 16:00 /etc/krb5/krb5.conf 
-> /usr/local/kerberos/etc/krb5.conf

So when configuring I use '--prefix=/usr/local/kerberos'.  So I found the 
following in include/osconf.h:


which is how it get's two copies of krb5.conf and therefore the doubled logging.

BTW, I also have the following for each realm in my kdc.conf:

                    profile = /usr/local/kerberos/etc/krb5.conf

but I suspect this is not involved in this problem.  True?

So is the best way to fix this is to edit osconf.h after I run configure?  Or 
can I fix this with a configure switch?

Dave Steiner                               steiner at rutgers.edu
Identity Management, ESS     ASB101; 732.445.5433
Rutgers University, Office of Information Technology

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