why is KRB5_TL_DB_ARGS in the SECURID #ifdef in kdb.h?

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 26 07:15:43 EDT 2011

On Tue, 2011-07-26 at 02:47 -0400, Chris Hecker wrote:
> #ifdef SECURID
> #define KRB5_TL_SECURID_STATE           0x0006
> #define KRB5_TL_DB_ARGS                 0x7fff
> #endif /* SECURID */

Looking at the revision history, I think that's actually a merging bug.
I don't think KRB5_TL_DB_ARGS ever had any relationship to SECURID.
I'll clean it up.

(Subsequent code appears to have worked around the bug instead of fixing
it, which is a typical conservative reaction to stuff people don't
understand in a code base this complex.)

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