Kerberos cross-realm with AD

Jean-Yves Avenard jyavenard at
Tue Feb 8 09:07:04 EST 2011


On 9 February 2011 00:17, Brian Candler <B.Candler at> wrote:

> Ah, I hadn't tried that, and thank you for your explanation. Sounds like
> "KrbAuthoritative off" was intended to work the way you describe, but
> doesn't in practice.

Yeah it took me a while to understand why it didn't work as expected,
and the flow of apache with auth module is puzzling ; you can't do
fall-back either, like say starting with digest and if it fails go
back to basic.

> Worth submitting upstream?

I did...
both the mod_auth_kerb and the apache mod_authz_ldap (ticket 42561,
it's an extension of an existing ticket)

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