I think I may be getting incorrect tickets??

Jon Bowes jon.bowes at jackwills.com
Mon Sep 27 03:24:25 EDT 2010

Here is my setup...

I have a Windows 2003 DC running active directory (dc.domain.com)
I have a Linux Apache web server that I wish to allow access to. (apache.domain.com)
I have installed mod_auth_kerb

I found an excellent tutorial here: http://www.grolmsnet.de/kerbtut/ which I followed, but keep running into the same problem.
Here is my /etc/krb5.conf file:
 default_realm = DOMAIN.COM

  apache.domain.com = DOMAIN.COM

    admin_server = dc.domain.com
    kdc = dc.domain.com

Then, if I run kinit my.windows.login at DOMAIN.COM<mailto:my.windows.login at DOMAIN.COM> I get asked for my domain password which I enter.

I then run klist and get:
Default principal: my.windows.login at DOMAIN.COM<mailto:my.windows.login at DOMAIN.COM>
Service principal: krbtgt/DOMAIN.COM at DOMAIN.COM<mailto:krbtgt/DOMAIN.COM at DOMAIN.COM>

Is this correct??

I then generate my keytab:
C:\>ktpass -princ HTTP/apache.domain.com at DOMAIN.COM<mailto:HTTP/apache.domain.com at DOMAIN.COM>
-mapuser apachea
-crypto rc4-hmac-nt
-ptype KRB5_NT_SRV_HST
-pass longlongpassword -out c:\temp\apache.keytab

This has been copied to apache at /etc/krb5.keytab. The file is world readable, so apache should be able to read it no problem.

I then test my keytabfile:

kinit -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab HTTP/apache.domain.com
and get
kinit(v5): Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials

I can't get past this bit! Any ideas where I can look?
Additionally, I have used kerbtray.exe to check my tickets when I logon.
I seem to get 2 as follows:
  |_  host/dc.jackwills.com
  |_  krbtgt/DOMAIN.COM

I would appreciate any help that you guys can provide...


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