kdb5_ldap_util does not read kdc.conf

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Sun Sep 26 23:17:42 EDT 2010

On Sun, 2010-09-26 at 20:02 -0400, Tom Parker wrote:
> If it's easy to check in both places (this seems to be the case judging 
> from the simple fix that was posted to the list last week for my 
> problem) to allow greater flexibility to the admins that would be ideal.

Just to clarify, since I think there's a slight misunderstanding:
krb5kdc, kadmind, kadmin.local, kdb5_util, and kpropd will already check
for settings in both krb5.conf and kdc.conf.  kdb5_ldap_util should
check in both places, but doesn't; that oversight will be corrected in

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