Problems with kprop and incremental propagation - works but bugs found

Matej Zagiba matej.zagiba at
Fri Nov 19 04:17:44 EST 2010

Hi Jeremy,

  well, problem is not location of kdc.conf, kpropd can find kdc.conf just fine.
Problem is, when principal database is in non-standart location. Actually, kprpod reads and uses settings from kdc.conf
when it does check for last serial and timestamp, but does not use this values when calling ulog_replay().

And as Greg pointed out, putting database_name = /var/lib/krb5kdc/principal directive  (or whole kdc configuration)
to realms section in  krb5.conf solves the problem too.

Anyway, this shoud not be hard to fix, so I will look forward to 1.9 release (and may be debian will port the patch to 1.8.3)

On 11/19/2010 12:14 AM, Jeremy Hunt wrote:
> Hi Matej,
> You are right, we agree.
> Because my kdc is in the default location everything is found,
> including the kdc.conf which is in the same location as the kdc. This
> means having a kdc location directive in the kdc.conf file is a
> circular reference.
> As I said in the my last email, the real bug/improvement is for the
> kdc location to be defined in the krb5.conf file. You are correct in
> that this definition should be referred to by all kerberos daemons
> and be a default or command line value otherwise.
> If this was the case then debian packages could include the location
> of the kdc in the krb5.conf file and it would not need to be
> intuitive.
> Regards,
> Jeremy
> On 18/11/2010 8:21 PM, Matej Zagiba wrote:
>> [safeTgram (safetgram-in) receive status: NOT encrypted, NOT signed.]
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> if You configure/make/install kerberos with --prefix=/krb5, then default place for kdc configuration and database file is
>> /krb5/var/krb5kdc/ - so Your file paths are all default ones. Hence You don't need any workarounds.
>> On debian however, the policy is to place configuration files under /etc and database files under /var/lib/krb5kdc.
>> This requires explicit configuration in kdc.conf file (or krb5.conf, but that is non-intuitive) which is ignored
>> by kpropd when calling ulog_replay. In manual page only kdc.conf is mentioned as configuration file and -F option to
>> set principal database is documented, but none of it works with ulog_reply().
>> On 11/17/2010 01:24 AM, Jeremy Hunt wrote:
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> I don't know that your conclusions are necessarily true. I would say
>>> the only bug is that the location of the principal database (and
>>> therefore the location of kdc.conf) is not settable in krb5.conf. My
>>> point is that if you can override the kdc location in krb5.conf then
>>> you can put the correct subsection in the realms section of the
>>> kdc.conf and everything will work. Of course, if Matej had been able
>>> to set the location of his principal database in the krb5.conf file,
>>> then everything would work as he defined it from that file without
>>> reference to a kdc.conf file.
>>> I administer a more static domain than Matej, but I suspect that is
>>> irrelevant. I built my version of kerberos to use /krb5 as the
>>> containing directory for everything and configured incremental
>>> propagation entirely in kdc.conf. I needed none of the workarounds
>>> Matej did, my incremental propagation works seamlessly.
>>> To put this in perspective my realm is used correctly and so is
>>> Matej's now he has correctly defined his domain in the domain_realm
>>> section of krb5.conf. The location of my principal database is
>>> /krb5/var/krb5kdc, this is not a typical location.
>>> I put the directives as defined in the documentation in the
>>> subsection for my domain in the realms section of the kdc.conf file,
>>> and put the kdc.conf file in the same directory as the principal
>>> database. I built my kerberos by configuring with " --prefix=/krb5
>>> --exec-prefix=/krb5" which set @LOCALSTATEDIR+/krb5/var in the
>>> Makefile, this defines the location of my principal database as
>>> /krb5/var/krb5kdc.
>>> For what it is worth here is a sanitised version of my configuration,
>>> which works as advertised with no principal pathnames defined:
>>> /krb5/etc/krb5.conf
>>> --------------------------
>>> [libdefaults]
>>> #     irrelevant, except possibly this
>>>             default_realm = MYREALM.COM
>>> [appdefaults]
>>> #     irrelevant
>>> [realms]
>>> #      only relevant in it defines where propagation is from and to
>>>             MYREALM.COM = {
>>>                     kdc = kdc1
>>>                     kdc = kdc2
>>>                     admin_server = kdc1
>>> #              I am not advertising my password port here
>>>                     kpasswd_server = kdc1:myPasswdPort
>>>             }
>>> [domain_realm]
>>> #    The lines for my kdc systems probably set the realm correctly. this is satisfactory if you can do it this way.
>>> #    Matej's setting is more general, more elegant and entirely satisfactory,
>>> #    remember his settings were initially wrong and this was one of the causes of his problems
>>>            kdc1 = MYREALM.COM
>>>            kdc2 = MYREALM.COM
>>>            sys1 = MYREALM.COM
>>>            sys2 = MYREALM.COM
>>>            sys3 = MYREALM.COM
>>> #     etcetera
>>> [logging]
>>> #     irrelevant
>>> /krb5/var/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> [kdcdefaults]
>>> #     irrelevant
>>> [realms]
>>>             MYREALM.COM= {
>>> #              Left out irrelevant stuff in this email like principal flags and enctypes, ports, files used, etcetera
>>> #              From my build, the location of  kdc.conf is known
>>> #              The realm is referred to in this subsection.
>>> #              Incremental propagation is defined in the simplest way
>>> #              the principal database is found and the correct realm is used
>>>                     iprop_enable = true
>>>                     iprop_port = 2107
>>>             }
>>> [logging]
>>> #     irrelevant
>>> On 16/11/2010 11:14 AM, Greg Hudson wrote:
>>>> [safeTgram (safetgram-in) receive status: NOT encrypted, NOT signed.]
>>>> I can confirm two bugs that you have encountered and worked around:
>>>> 1. kprop uses krb5_sname_to_principal() to determine its client
>>>> principal, and does not understand the referral realm.  So it does not
>>>> work without a -r parameter unless the profile's domain_realm section
>>>> can map the local hostname.  You worked around this by correcting your
>>>> existing domain_realm section in your profile.
>>>> A reasonable, if not perfect, fix here is to do what kpropd does in a
>>>> similiar piece of code: substitute the default realm for the referral
>>>> realm when using the result of krb5_sname_to_principal() as a client
>>>> principal.
>>>> 2. kpropd, when processing incremental updates, modifies the KDB using
>>>> ulog_replay(), but does not initialize its context to use the KDC
>>>> profile, so it uses only settings from krb5.conf to find the KDB.  You
>>>> worked around this with symlinks.  An alternative workaround would be to
>>>> put the KDB configuration into krb5.conf instead of kdc.conf.  (In the
>>>> past, it used to be required to put KDB configuration into krb5.conf.
>>>> That odd requirement was relaxed somewhere around krb5 1.5 for most
>>>> programs which run on the KDC, but a few have escaped the net, including
>>>> kpropd.)
>>>> I will open issues for both bugs and try to get them fixed for 1.9.
>>>> Thanks for your investigative work.
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