
Paulo Oliveira bad_boy_sk8 at
Wed Nov 10 13:43:23 EST 2010

Hello !!
My krb5kdc  and kadmind are running, 
I typed the follow:

kdb5_util create -s...I believe that is to create the stash file, am I correct?

Now I am with problem in authentication. I type kinit paulo at teste.uem and appear:

 09 16:16:26 paulo-laptop krb5kdc[3372](info): AS_REQ (7 etypes {18 17 
16 23 1 3 2}) CLIENT_NOT_FOUND: paulo at teste.uem for 
krbtgt/teste.uem at teste.uem, Client not found in Kerberos database

In my kadm5.acl file has the user such as below:

 */paulo at teste.uem

Can someone help me??


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