Port 88 and 750 closed

thom_schu@gmx.de thom_schu at gmx.de
Mon May 3 05:01:56 EDT 2010

Im just starting with Kerberos 5 and Im wondering that after starting rckadmind and rckrb5kdc that when I check with nmap, there is neither port 88 nor port 750 opened - is this alright ?
In my kdc.conf is a line "kdc_ports = 750,88" under [kdcdefaults] and also under the [realms]-definition.

Ports which are open are 
  464/tcp open  kpasswd5
  749/tcp open  kerberos-adm

First tests with a client how wants to log in via ssh on a ssh-server which is configured with kerberos seems to work - at least the logged in user got a ticket.
So what for are this ports (88,750) ? 

thanks in advance


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