How to kerberize app

Remi Ferrand remi.ferrand at
Sat Mar 27 10:36:37 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

I'd like to kerberize a sample application (server send HELLO to every
client) just to understand how to kerberize a very simple application.

My questions:
* Is GSS-API the easiest method and the most portable way to used
Kerberos authentication ?
* What are the other authentication methods (other than GSS-API) that
relies on Kerberos auth ?

This simple app (server / client) I'm trying to create is just a first
step. Next, we gonna migrate our real applications written in C / Perl /
Python, that's why portability is important and why GSS-API seems the
best way to do this ... am I right ?

Thanks in advance



Remi Ferrand             | Institut National de Physique Nucleaire
Tel. +33(0) |     et de Physique des Particules
Fax. +33(0) | Centre de Calcul -
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