Local development database?

charlieok charlieok at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 19:57:54 EDT 2010

On Mar 17, 12:50 pm, Greg Hudson <ghud... at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 20:58 -0400, charlieok wrote:
> > I'm trying to change the "localstatedir" value to point to a directory
> > within my project so that I can use utilities like kdb5_util to
> > create, destroy and operate on a kerberos database. I see that this is
> > an option that can be passed to 'configure' before building the
> > kerberos binaries, but I'm not seeing a way to set it later, such as
> > via an environment variable or command line option.
> You have to individually change the locations of the database, dictfile,
> ACL file, and stash file, using krb5.conf or kdc.conf.  Here's an
> example:
> [dbmodules]
>         foo_db2 = {
>                 database_name = /project/path/master-db
>                 db_library = db2
>         }
> [realms]
>         KRBTEST.COM = {
>                 database_module = foo_db2
>                 dictfile = /project/path/dictfile
>                 acl_file = /project/path/acl
>                 key_stash_file = /project/path/stash
>         }

Thanks for the reply. The part where I was having trouble was with the
kdc.conf file. I knew that the krb5.conf file's location can be given
by the KRB5_CONFIG environment variable. Shortly after posting this
question yesterday I found what I think is the answer in the
installation guide -- that the kdb.conf file's location can be given
by the KRB5_KDC_PROFILE variable.

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