AES-CTS, SHA-96bit in Kerberos are FIPS 140-2 Compliant ?

Kerberos Athena athena.kerberos at
Fri Mar 5 22:00:10 EST 2010


Does anyone know AES-CTS and SHA-96bit (mandatory cipher suites for
Kerberos) are FIPS 140-2 compliant or not ?

AES-CBS and SHA1 (160bit) are listed in the NIST FIPS140-2 approved
crypto/hash list,
but AES-CTS and SHA-96bit are NOT listed in the list.

In case of Windows Vista/7/Sever 2k8, Kerberos is FIPS140-2 compliant and
AES128/256-CTS-SHA-96 is available in FIPS140-2 compliant mode.


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