Windows (KFW) credentials cache & Oracle compatibility

Lubos Kejzlar kejzlar at
Tue Jun 22 02:00:09 EDT 2010

Hi all,
	is there any possibility to use KfW FILE: credentials cache (created either 
witk kinit or ms2mit)
with Oracle 10.2.x Advanced Security option?? We tried several several 
'ccache_type' settings, but all
of them resulting in 'Unsupported credentials cache format version number' error :-(

We really have to use existing usesr's credentials to connect Oracle DB, so ANY 
help or suggestions
are welcome.

Best regards,

Lubos Kejzlar
Head of Laboratory for Computer Science

Center for Information Technology              Tel.:      +420-377 632 710
University of West Bohemia                                +420-724 094 277
Univerzitni 8, 306 14 Pilsen                   Fax:       +420-377 632 702
Czech Republic                                 E-mail:  kejzlar at

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