Variable kdc on kerberos.

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 17 14:51:57 EDT 2010

On Thu, 2010-06-17 at 12:48 -0400, gael therond wrote:
> Hi All, is there a way to set a variable, instead of a constant on the
> kerberos config file under the kdc option?
> I've a lot of Active Directory on my network, so if I want contact the
> closer one I've to use variables to retrieve informations of our local Dns.

You mean like an environment variable?  No... although you could use the
environment variable KRB5_CONFIG to determine which krb5.conf file is

Another possible direction is to arrange for SRV lookups to return the
best possible KDC, although putting that much cleverness into DNS isn't
always easy or wise.

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