401 Unauthorized Error after adding SPN

VRamchandani@aaamissouri.com VRamchandani at aaamissouri.com
Wed Jun 16 12:09:48 EDT 2010

Hello All,

We have a web server and WAS6.1 application server environment and a web
application talking to web service hosted on IIS server.

We are having an issue when trying to talk from Application Server layer to
IIS target server via Java code.
Since WAS 6.1 does not support serialization of tokens we have written Java
GSS code to create a new token for target server which was failing with
Kerberos error "server not found in databse".

Since this is caused by no SPN defined we added SPN for the target server.
However this caused another .NET application talking to same wen service to

What could be the issue here? Please help.


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