kdb5 to kdb-ldap: how to migrate?

Greg Hudson ghudson at mit.edu
Wed Jan 27 17:49:49 EST 2010

On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 15:30 -0500, Brian Davidson wrote:
> Is there a process to convert data from an existing kdb5 backend to  
> kdb-ldap?  If not, any suggestions on how to approach it (I can write  
> code if that's what it's going to take).

No need to write code; just "kdb5_util dump" your DB2 database and
"kdb5_util load -update" the dumpfile into a newly created LDAP
database.  You'll need to preserve and copy over the master key stash
file from your old database, since the keys you're loading will be
encrypted in the old master key.

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