ANNOUNCEMENT: KCA Provider 2.3 for Network Identity Manager (aka kx509)

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Thu Jan 21 00:19:42 EST 2010

Secure Endpoints Inc. is proud to announce the availability
of the Kerberized Certificate Authority Provider (aka kx509)
version 2.3 for Network Identity Manager.

The KCA provider enables Network Identity Manager to
obtain one or more X.509 certificates for each configured
identity from Kerberos realms that have deployed a
Kerberized Certificate Authority service.  The obtained
certificates are stored in the Windows logon session's
"my certificate store".

The KCA provider distribution includes a PKCS#11 module
that will enable applications such as Firefox and Thunderbird
to access the KCA issued certificates.

Version 2.3 improves upon prior releases in the following

 * a notification icon provides status information
   on acquired x.509 certificates

 * online help is more easily accessible

 * compatible with Network Identity Manager 2.0

All users of prior KCA provider releases are encouraged
to upgrade.

The latest KCA provider can be downloaded from

Documentation can be reviewed at

All software distributions from Secure Endpoints Inc. are
digitally signed using a Verisign Authenticode certificate.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

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