Windows event id 4 (kerberos)

raj esh L rrcrajesh2003 at
Tue Jan 19 17:17:11 EST 2010

Than Q very much for your information and would appreciate. But

I verified SPNs and computer names - No duplication found.

These computers not updated recently and exist from long time.

Thanks once again about networking help .I would check and give you update.

i will give the setspn details also. 

I spent days together to search the fix but did not find a correct solution. your help would be highly appreciable. 

we get the message on every day. But we see the same event id, same description with different names  'SLH-001155' with different cifs\

First of all, I do not understand clearly  about the description. if you would explain what is going here with examples of server names based on description that would be great. 

From: Christopher D. Clausen <cclausen at>
To: raj esh L <rrcrajesh2003 at>
Cc: kerberos at
Sent: Wed, 20 January, 2010 3:01:30
Subject: Re: Windows event id 4 (kerberos)

Is this for an actual Windows computer?  Or a non-Windows machine 
running something like Samba?


I see these all the time.  I believe these occur on occation when a 
computer account automatically updates its machine account password in 
Active Directory.  (This is a normal function of a computer joined to 

I'd suggest un-joining and re-joining the computer to the domain if this 
is a persistent problem on this system.

If the issue persists you likely have a network connection problem. 
Check netstat -s output and look for high error counts and check duplex 
settings on all ends of the connection.


Another thing to check is for identially named accounts (as mentioned,) 
including SPNs that were set with setspn.exe or ktpass.exe.  These are 
hard to track down and may require specific LDAP queries to locate.


Please send output of setspn -l SLH-001155


raj esh L <rrcrajesh2003 at> wrote:
> We have observed Kerberos event id4 on one member server (Print
> server )BRAPRINT001 ( Please find the description below
> about the event id. Can some one please help me on it ?
> Event Type:            Error
> Event Source:          Kerberos
> Event Category:      None
> Event ID:                4
> Date:                       1/13/2010
> Time:                       6:16:35 PM
> User:                       N/A
> Computer:               BRAPRINT001
> Description:
> The kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the
> server SLH-001155$.  The target name used was
> cifs/ This indicates that the password
> used to encrypt the kerberos service ticket is different than that on
> the target server. Commonly, this is due to identically named
> machine accounts in the target realm (DIR.UCB-GROUP.COM), and the
> client realm.   Please contact your system administrator.
> For more information, see Help and Support Center at
> []
> We captured network for it. Can you please help here what is going on?
> captured file is available at
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