K5start: best startup strategy?

Jaap Winius jwinius at umrk.nl
Wed Jan 13 13:51:52 EST 2010

Hi folks,

After a experimenting with k5start v3.15 for a while, I've noticed that 
it usually starts up for me during the boot process, but not always 
(perhaps due to a flaky Kerberos server). My simple startup script looks 
like this:

   /usr/local/bin/k5start -U -f /etc/krb5.keytab -b -K 10 -l 24h \
           -k /tmp/krb5cc_105 -o openldap
   exit 0

I use Debian lenny and created a symlink for it, /etc/rc2.d/S18k5start, 
that is supposed to start it up just before /etc/rc2.d/S19slapd.

Of course, it's possible to write another script to perform a check later 
on (or perhaps even periodically), to see if k5start is actually (still) 
running, and if not, attempt to start it up again, but I'm hoping to 
avoid such a workaround.

Has anyone else experienced and attempted to address this problem, or 
have I just done something stupid?



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