Wrong principal in request

Russ Allbery rra at stanford.edu
Mon Jan 4 20:42:25 EST 2010

Jeff Blaine <jblaine at kickflop.net> writes:

> I happened to notice this (note the missing realm) after a
> failed GSSAPI attempt to the SSH server (mega):

> [root at mega ~]# klist
> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
> Default principal: jblaine at FOO

> Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
> 01/04/10 16:14:51  01/11/10 16:14:51  krbtgt/FOO at FOO
>          renew until 01/18/10 16:14:51
> 01/04/10 16:15:08  01/11/10 16:14:51  host/mega@
>          renew until 01/18/10 16:14:51

Ah, that means that the client doesn't know what the local realm is and is
therefore trying to ask the server via referrals, but the server isn't
answering that question.

> I updated /etc/krb5.conf to include

>      [domain_realm]
>          mega = FOO

> And all is well when connecting from mega to mega with OpenSSH
> and GSSAPI options.

> All is well, too, when connecting from sol10 SPARC stock SSH
> to mega using GSSAPI options.

> PuTTY-GSSAPI as the client still gives me the same error :(

Did you update the Windows equivalent (krb5.ini, I think)?

Russ Allbery (rra at stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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