OLE/Automation of Leash, Kinit/klist

sal rashid salrashid123 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 14:29:21 EDT 2010


I'm trying to find out if the windows kerberos clients support windows
OLE/automation such that I can launch and interact with leash/kinit/klist,
etc via vb/javascript.

For example, in a vbscript if I wanted to launch internetexplorer an goto a
website, I can create the app and invoke the navigate method:
set IE= CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Applicaton")
IE.navigate2 "http://www.google.com"
IE.visible = True

Similarly, I want to run klist,kvno,kinit and invoke methods, set/get
properties, etc from within a vb/javascript.  Ofcourse I can launch those
apps in a windows shell
and scrape out the output after piping it to a file but it'd be much easier
via automation.

I did find the following but not sure if it applies:



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