Windows login failing, with no errors?

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Mon Apr 5 09:42:41 EDT 2010

Tom Medhurst wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying to get 2 Windows Clients (1x Windows XP Pro SP3, 1x Windows
> 7 Enterprise) configured so they logon via Kerberos 5-1.8 (Arch Linux
> Server, Kerberos 5 build from source), and I'm soooo close I can smell
> it! but...
> When I login I get the error message:
> "The username or password is incorrect" on the Windows client.
> The log file krb5kdc.log shows the following for each attempt:
> "dc1 krb5kdc[5372](info): AS_REQ (6 etypes {18 17 23 24 - 135 3})
> ISSUE: authtime 1270166763, etypes {rep=23 tkt=16 ses=23},
> tom at TNET.LOC for krbtgt/TNET.LOC at TNET.LOC
> dc1 krb5kdc[5372](info): TGS_REQ (5 etypes {18 17 23 24 - 135})
> ISSUE: authtime 1270166763, etypes {rep=23 tkt16 ses23},
> tom at TNET.LOC for host/wdesk3.tnet.loc at TNET.LOC"
> Is there an error hidden somewhere in this krb5kdc.log output? Or
> should I be looking elsewhere?
> I have done the following:
> Synced the time with a ntp server (on the same box) using w32tm /config ...

> Added this machine to the list of hosts (via /usr/local/sbin/kadmin.local):
> kadmin.local> ank -e rc4-hmac:normal -policy host/wdesk3.tnet.loc
> kadmin.local> ktadd -k /usr/local/var/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab

These lasat two dont not look correct. I think you just added the client's
host principal (with a random password) to the keytab used by the KDC.

You need to add the host to to the KDC with a known password, then use the
ksetup /setcomputerpassword command with that known password, in effect creating
the Microsoft equivalent of a keytab on the client.

> Added the Windows machine to the realm, added the kdc server, and
> mapped the users:
>> ksetup /addkdc TNET.LOC dc1.tnet.loc
>> ksetup /addkpasswd TNET.LOC dc1.tnet.loc
>> ksetup /setrealm TNET.LOC

>> ksetup /mapuser * *
> I know that the Windows box is trying as everytime I attempt to login
> I get the same messages in the server's krb5kdc.log file.
> Can anybody help me figure out what I've missed?
> Many Thanks,
> Tom
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  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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