Trust between AD and MIT Kerberos

Markus Moeller huaraz at
Tue Sep 22 16:48:01 EDT 2009

Do you look for  something like ?

 netdom trust WINDOWS2003.HOME /domain:SUSE.HOME /addtln:suse.home

This tells the w2k3 domain WINDOWS2003.HOME  that hosts with in the domain 
suse.home belong to the MIT domain SUSE.HOME


"Mikkel Kruse Johnsen" <mikkel at> wrote in message 
news:mailman.20.1253609653.18120.kerberos at
> Hi All
> I have a trust between my Windows 2003 AD (HHK.DK) and my RHEL5 MIT
> Kerberos (CBS.DK).
> On the Windows machines I have:
> HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Domains\CBS.DK
>    KdcNames:
> Adding "HTTP/ at CBS.DK" to my CBS.DK and using mod_auth_kerb in
> Apache. SSO worked on both Windows and Linux clients with HHK.DK tokens.
> In my log file "/var/log/krb5kdc.log" I could see that a lot of request
> came from windows machines.
> Now the IT department created a UPN suffix on the AD called CBS.DK and
> SSO stopped working on Windows clients. The request in
> "/var/log/krb5kdc.log" stopped.
> We removing the UPN suffix from the AD, but Windows clients is not
> working and the request to "/var/log/krb5kdc.log" do not happen anymore.
> Everything is fine on Linux.
> It seems that Windows clients no longer uses the "HKLM\SYSTEM
> \CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Domains\CBS.DK" in the reg.
> Have been searching the net for month now. Anyone has any ideas what is
> wrong ?
> Is there a way to map domain to realms in Windows like [domain_realm] in
> krb5.conf ?
> Med Venlig Hilsen / Kind Regards
> Mikkel Kruse
> Johnsen
> Adm.Dir.
> Linet
> Ørholmgade 6 st tv
> Copenhagen N 2200
> Denmark
> Work:    +45
> 21287793
> Mobile: +45
> 21287793
> Email:
> mikkel at
> IM:
> mikkel at
> (MSN)
> Professional
> Profile
> Healthcare
> Network
> Consultant

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